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ISO/IEC 17020 2019-01-27T16:26:03+00:00

IAB Inspection Body Accreditation (ISO/IEC 17020:2012)

IAB provides ISO/IEC 17020:2012 accreditation to organizations performing various types of inspection, surveys and risk assessments:

  • Engineering Inspection (including Pressure Systems, lifting equipment/Hoists, electrical installations, power presses, local exhaust ventilation, cargo / pre-shipment inspection, manufacture of boilers / pressure vessels, welding inspections, oil and gas metering)
  • Asbestos Surveys
  • Legionella Risk Assessments
  • Fire Protection Systems
  • Crime Scene Examination
  • Railway Competence
  • Building and Construction Products
  • Food Inspection (food safety, food hygiene, manufacturing and processed practices, cargo inspection, animal welfare, labelling)
  • Health and Social Care
  • Care Home Inspection
  • Nuclear New Build Inspection
  • Plant Health
  • Environmental Technology Verification

Accreditation Type 

IAB accredited inspection bodies are classified into three types (Type A, Type B and Type C) based on the inspection body’s relationship to the parties involved, its organization structure, and its responsibilities and ownership.

Type A bodies provide third party services

Type B bodies are separate and identifiable entities, and can only provide inspections to its parent company

Type C bodies are identifiable entities but may not be a separate part of the organization. Type C can also supply inspection services to parties other than the parent organization.

It is IAB task to assess the competence and to establish the type of independence for each applicant for accreditation. Bodies offering inspection services, if seeking IAB accreditation, must meet the requirements of ISO/IEC 17020 – Conformity assessment—Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection.

This diagram outlines the IAB accreditation process:

Documents for Accreditation

  • Application For Accreditation for Inspection Body: IAB-APL-CAB-17
  • General Criteria for Accreditation Requirements: IAB-GEN-CAB-01
  • General Criteria for Conditions for the Use of  IAB Accreditation Symbol: IAB-GEN-CAB-02
  • Fees: IAB-CAB-IB-FEES-01
  • Accreditation requirements for Inspection Bodies: IAB-CAB-IB-01

If you are interested to apply for IAB Accreditation of your Inspection Body in accordance with ISO 17020:2012 please send an email at info@iabonline.org